Friday, December 29, 2006

And they lived happily ever after, without end, Amen.

I'm very happy with how the pictures of the wedding turned out. There's a bunch of them, so dial-up beware!

Getting ready -- Mimi did a great job on the makeup!

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I think Elisa looked amazing in her dress.

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Stephy, my flower girl/niece, spent most of the pre-ceremony time admiring her "pretty princess" dress in the mirror. She also called me a pretty princess for days. She's smart; she knows to butter up the adults right before Christmas!

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She also spent a lot of time cuddling "Baby Duck".

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The girls posed and looked pretty and helped me get ready:

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And the guys tried to help Dave keep his rose on:

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But John spent most of the time before the ceremony begging Dan, his 'heterosexual life partner' to not abandon him:

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And then they all laughed and fenced with roses. Ahem.

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Alex managed to take some good pictures of me (a rarity for me, I assure you):

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And I showed off the pretty back of my dress.

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Also, here are Min and Caleb. Aren't they cute?? They actually matched my color theme, so extra credit for them.

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I managed to get up to the altar without falling flat on my face. Go me!

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We prayed, took communion, listened to a mini-sermon and did the old Spanish arras tradition. My favorite part was when the minister improvised the sermon and based it on Dan's bad knee, and likened marriage to joints and ligaments and cartilage. So is he saying that all you need for a successful marriage is a good joint??

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And then he let us kiss:

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And we're finally a Mr. and Mrs.!

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We recessed, followed by the others. Christopher, my "ring man"/nephew, picked up all the petals my niece had thrown on the way in. What a tidy little guy!

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Corey and Chris looked especially spiffy:

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Then we celebrated the fact that we made it back down the aisle without tripping over each other:

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Dan took pictures with the guys:

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I took pictures with the girls:

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And it was hectic and we were being pulled in 50 directions, but we never forgot what this wedding was all about:

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(Just a tip: The title of this post is usually not a good way to end your history final's essay, even if you DID run out of time. Its perfectly ok for an entry with wedding pictures, though.)

1 comment:

Refinnej said...


Beautiful dress, beautiful wedding. LOVE the dress.